Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I want this!

I happened upon this fella in Yigo on Sunday. I took a drive just to get out of the bustle of Tumon and Tamuning. It's really too bad Yigo is so far from work Because this apartment made my day. 

From what I can tell, it's a 2br/1ba. But the view  and interior ambient lighting is almost perfect.

Right, you get the idea. But then there was this..

Yep, that's the roof. A hell of porch eh?

Yep, awesome, and that comes from the kitchen. 
I have no idea how much it was, but places up North are on the cheap side from what I understand. 

I might get some good Karma from this place. Again, too bad it's way too far from work. Otherwise, this would be mine.

I decided to check out some other mysterious side roads. Where I saw strange things such as...
I have to wonder about this. Then further down the road...

This guy shows up...

I decided to pull off and check out some houses along this dirt road and found a land...populated by boonie dogs.

Now I love dogs, for sure. But no, not these boonies dogs. They sort of have a way of jumping in front of your car or chasing you down the street. Thugs. Yeah, boonie dog thugs. If you're windows are down, and you are stopped, they will jump up against your door and demand, DEMAND! food.

Not pictured but observed on this adventure, a dude, a water buffalo, two dogs sitting on the water buffalo on the side of the road.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eternal Jet Lag.

Around 8 every evening, this is what happens. A sudden wash of sleepiness washes over me and it's as if my cold hotel room whispers and beckons. And if I obey, I wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning anyhow. Oh the joys of the Jet Lag after flying into the future.

Last night, I had dinner on base at my bosses house. We talked Guam, diving, and fruit bat soup. Yes, I have finally been educated that fruit bat pie does not exist on Guam but on Palau, you can order fruit bat soup! And look a recipe!! Yes, you must add a whole bat.


 Yesterday was rather productive. It looks this might be my ride. It's a 2001 Toyota Echo. Apparently $4000
is a good deal for this car on Guam. I figure it's a cheap a to b car to maintain and fill up, and simply easy.  It's only had two owners. I think it may do me good. I might call it Rita.

I went out and checked out some apartments yesterday. For the most part I've been a bit unimpressed from what I've seen. But I've also been told not to judge some apartments based on exterior appearance.

So here is what I'm holding out for. It's furnished and ready to go. Quite frankly looks pretty damn nice.

Nice eh? Furnished, 2br/2ba for under $1000 within walking distance to a grocery store and the beach. Badass. I know it looks like it's surrounded by parking lot but it's not terrible. Where this photo was taken was off a sheer cliff.  The interior design is kinda gross, but I'm sure stuff can be mixed and matched for a so it's bit more personal than say a hotel.

Compared to some of the other places I've seen in my price range..the cinema apartments is a steal
This apartment had a really bad gecko problem. Not as cute as it would seem. But behold the view!!!
You can't see it to well but the mountains in the distance are the Asan Highlands. It's gorgeous. Especially when a storm rolls over. Ignore the housing development in the foreground..

The wrap around deck is highly unusual and pretty damn cool. Yet the place was rather lacking and a bit to rural for me right now as I get started.

I think I might have another fiesta plate today for lunch.

Yep, two marinated meats on rice with macaroni salad and keleguen which is sort of a pickled meat salad. I had a shrimp variant. I know the word pickled meat sounds rather unappetizing. But you would be very surprised.

More to come....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Visual Guam

I have noticed the sky changes frequently around here. Storms roll in without warning. But damn, look at that water. I have now put my feet in the Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan and now the Philippine Sea! Once of these days I'll take a day at the beach drink some fierce tropical drinks while I burn. It was hot out. I seriously don't think I'll last 5 minutes on the sand.

In other news, I have a rental car now.
I like it.

I start work on Monday, I almost can't believe it.So I needed to print my orientation instructions. Now  I realize that I am staying in a hotel that has no business center and is rather ill equipped for folks on extended stay like myself. For example, no internet in the rooms but only in the lobby where there is a shortage of desks. I struggled just to print my info(turns out they are not running the latest version of Microsoft Office round these parts).

However the people running the place are super nice. They have given me free reign to use their printers and copiers in the office. Thanks Bayview!

  I really need to get used to everyone and I mean everyone (street urchins included) saying Hafa Adai. It really is quite comforting.

One other thing. I found the Chomorro radio station and it really is quite charming. I heard countryish songs about being sent to jail for 95 years. There seems to be a prevalent accent that I can't quite put my finger on but damn is it fun to listen to.

Alright, I'm still not over the jet lag, so I'll update more later. Bedtime. Also, GYOZA COMA!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gaum, I'm here. Deal with it.

I arrived at about 6pm Guam time, 4am Maryland time. I met my boss at the airport. Looking haggard after a 25 hour flight must make a good first impression. Bill and I chatted, and then I met my ride from the airport to the hotel. So first impressions are in order. There is not doubt I am on a tropical island. The humidity hits immediately and this was when the sun was down.

Big ahead. Plenty to get done. Pictures soon.

Monday, August 23, 2010

24 Hours to go

At 4am, I'll be awake, staring at my face in the bathroom mirror trying to get psyched to catch a 6am flight to Houston, Texas. Once there, I have a layover and follow with a flight first to Hawaii for yet another layover and then off to Guam. I will arrive at 6pm, August 25th. In the Future! So for now, I'm getting some quality time in with Benny and staring at a load of packed bags that should see me through two years of island life.

By this post time tomorrow, I should be zonked out on Advil PM somewhere over the Pacific.