Saturday, September 4, 2010

I don't believe in Santa Rita!

 Sorry everyone, the title of this post was a failed attempt to make a Sublime pun. See what I did there? Santeria....Santa Rita...get it...yeah..

Here I am, in a barely furnished house in Santa Rita, Guam.

I am sleeping on an air mattress. It might be like this for a couple weeks until Nympa (yes Nympha, I know) has the Mongmong place ready which should be in the middle of the month or two weeks from now depending on how fast her contractors work on the place.

Santa Rita is a small suburban community. It's pretty quiet. Mike, my host and colleague at NAVFAC is planning on importing his fiance soon. And she in turn will bring dogs. There is a yard. A grill is mandatory. 

This morning I found a dead gecko under my mattress. I've been told to get used to such things.

Now Dan Black has mentioned to me that this blog is starting to take the shape of the tv show House Hunters International. So without further ado, here some some images of another place on my wish list. This one is in Asan. Yes, I want it.

It's a 2br, 2ba overlooking Asan Bay. I called the landlord and left a stalkingly high number of messages. He won't call back..hmm. Perhaps the heavy breathing and my creepy repetition of "I want it" scared him away.

According to the residents the guy is off island much and not terribly available anyhow.
I know the the efficiencies go for 1000 and has a beautiful overlook of the water.

For example.....

These are the efficiencies.

I could deal with this.

Look, Boonie Kitteh, with raging butt tumors!

This little fella was stalking rooster when I walked by. He didn't want his picture taken understandably.


The car is now mine. Now the beauty with rooming with a former Air Force mechanic is that a total auto dummy like myself, gets instant auto consultation. It seems the brakes are dragging causing the "engine noise" that's been driving me nuts. As it turns out, it was not the engine at all, except for maybe a loose mount that is aiding the rough idle. The tires are worn as well and need replacing. Perhaps with the next paycheck, I'll get the ol Echo up to snuff.

For now, I am seriously considering rims.

The Echo

New fave snack chip, Better than potato chips..Goes great with a screening of Titanic Two!

1 comment:

  1. Dan, the pics from the hike are incredible! What a new hometown you've got!
