Monday, August 23, 2010

24 Hours to go

At 4am, I'll be awake, staring at my face in the bathroom mirror trying to get psyched to catch a 6am flight to Houston, Texas. Once there, I have a layover and follow with a flight first to Hawaii for yet another layover and then off to Guam. I will arrive at 6pm, August 25th. In the Future! So for now, I'm getting some quality time in with Benny and staring at a load of packed bags that should see me through two years of island life.

By this post time tomorrow, I should be zonked out on Advil PM somewhere over the Pacific. 


  1. safe landing Dan! another new journey in life, wishing you always the best, love ya,
    Mom and Dad
    ps, Bennie is sitting here with us and all the dogs.

  2. Woo hoo! Can't wait to see pictures.
