Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eternal Jet Lag.

Around 8 every evening, this is what happens. A sudden wash of sleepiness washes over me and it's as if my cold hotel room whispers and beckons. And if I obey, I wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning anyhow. Oh the joys of the Jet Lag after flying into the future.

Last night, I had dinner on base at my bosses house. We talked Guam, diving, and fruit bat soup. Yes, I have finally been educated that fruit bat pie does not exist on Guam but on Palau, you can order fruit bat soup! And look a recipe!! Yes, you must add a whole bat.

 Yesterday was rather productive. It looks this might be my ride. It's a 2001 Toyota Echo. Apparently $4000
is a good deal for this car on Guam. I figure it's a cheap a to b car to maintain and fill up, and simply easy.  It's only had two owners. I think it may do me good. I might call it Rita.

I went out and checked out some apartments yesterday. For the most part I've been a bit unimpressed from what I've seen. But I've also been told not to judge some apartments based on exterior appearance.

So here is what I'm holding out for. It's furnished and ready to go. Quite frankly looks pretty damn nice.

Nice eh? Furnished, 2br/2ba for under $1000 within walking distance to a grocery store and the beach. Badass. I know it looks like it's surrounded by parking lot but it's not terrible. Where this photo was taken was off a sheer cliff.  The interior design is kinda gross, but I'm sure stuff can be mixed and matched for a so it's bit more personal than say a hotel.

Compared to some of the other places I've seen in my price range..the cinema apartments is a steal
This apartment had a really bad gecko problem. Not as cute as it would seem. But behold the view!!!
You can't see it to well but the mountains in the distance are the Asan Highlands. It's gorgeous. Especially when a storm rolls over. Ignore the housing development in the foreground..

The wrap around deck is highly unusual and pretty damn cool. Yet the place was rather lacking and a bit to rural for me right now as I get started.

I think I might have another fiesta plate today for lunch.

Yep, two marinated meats on rice with macaroni salad and keleguen which is sort of a pickled meat salad. I had a shrimp variant. I know the word pickled meat sounds rather unappetizing. But you would be very surprised.

More to come....


  1. The apartments don't look so bad at all! With respect to the decor, just take down the "artwork," which is probably what's giving it that hotel feel, from the walls and store it in a closet. Replace it with something you like better -- maybe pictures from home? You could steal our idea and print out a huge photograph and break it into pieces and frame it with frames from a thrift store (do they have those on guam?).

    Also, I looked into my members service in Micronesia. Cape Air offers Continental Connection service between Guam and Saipan and Rota.

    So when (not if -- ha ha) we visit, we'll have some field trips!

  2. updated the blog with more photos that are giving us all the feel of the place. you will find a place soon!!
